What to Know Before Buying Commercial Property for Sale

Before buying a commercial property, there are many factors that you will need to think about and be aware of. Here at NZ Commercial Property Brokers, we have created this blog to help you better understand what you are going into when buying a commercial property. Let’s get started! Purpose Never buy a property on…Read More→

3 Key Considerations for Commercial Property Investment

Are you looking to invest in a commercial property? If so, then don’t stop reading this blog! Here at NZ Commercial Property Brokers, our commercial property brokers specialise in reliable commercial property services, including helping individuals find the right commercial property investment. However, before you make the investment, it is important to consider several factors…Read More→

The Benefits of Working with a Commercial Property Broker

When looking to begin a commercial property portfolio in New Zealand, it can be difficult knowing where to start. Knowing when to opt for direct property ownership of a commercial space or investing in shares is also a challenge – which is where commercial property brokers come into prominence. A commercial property broker can handle…Read More→

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Commercial Property Manager: What to Look For

So, you have an extensive commercial property portfolio that stretches across New Zealand, but you’re concerned about managing these properties effectively – the answer lies in commercial property management services. However, we understand that it’s not so simple to just choose the first commercial property manager that appears in your Google searches. There are several…Read More→

Real Estate Broker vs. Agent – Understanding the Key Differences

Have you heard of the terms ‘real estate agent’ and ‘real estate broker’, but are unsure of whether these are the same or different? Don’t worry, you have come to the right place. In this blog, we will explore the difference between a broker and agent and what you can expect from each! Real Estate…Read More→

Self-Managing Your Commercial Property: Benefits vs. Challenges

When it comes to having your own commercial property, you have many responsibilities as the owner to ensure your building’s compliance and maintenance. You might be thinking of self-managing your commercial property – but, is this a good option? Let’s take a look at the benefits vs challenges of self-managing your commercial property. Benefits Some…Read More→